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Fire up your Start menu or Dock and think carefully for a moment Out of all your aging desktop apps, how many do you really rely on these daysor even better, how many of them dont already have very capable web app alternatives you could use insteadTurn The Beat Around Full Movie Online FreeTurn The Beat Around Full Movie Online FreeRecently, I was working with a client in Texas looking for a used Porsche 911 for around 30,000. Given the budget, that narrowed the field down to almost exclusively. Watch The Last Fall Online Full Movie'>Watch The Last Fall Online Full Movie. Find the latest sports news and articles on the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA college football, NCAA college basketball and more at ABC News. The Beat Generation is a literary movement started by a group of authors whose work explored and influenced American culture and politics in the postWorld War II era. Unless youre a film editor or a graphic designer, its probably time to let those old fashioned, clunky desktop apps go. When Chrome OS appeared on the scene in 2. Web apps were slow, buggy, and feature limited, and they obviously didnt work offline. Today thats no longer the case, and considering you can find Wi Fi just about anywhere, offline access is less of an issue than it used to be. About those desktop programs youre still clinging to Microsoft Office You can use it for free online, and Google Docs is even better. Tunes Join the streaming revolution, load up Spotifys revamped web player, and drag yourself into 2. Admittedly, you wont get quite as many bells and whistles as you do with the fully fledged desktop equivalents, but consider whether you really need all those extra functions. Short answer You dont. Yes, if youre a gamer or a serious creative, you still need some key desktop programs installed but were willing to bet the majority of people reading this can get away with ditching their desktop apps for good. Finding alternatives. Weve already touched on some of the alternative web based apps you can switch to. Office suites are the obvious place to start, and Apple, Google, and Microsoft all have free versions you can use in your browser thats before we get on to any of the more modern alternatives, like Dropbox Paper. If you havent yet ditched your desktop email client for something cloud based like Gmail or Outlook, then you really should make the move at your earliest convenienceyoull never have to worry about moving your messages from one computer to anotherand if youve got work emails to keep tabs on, then most web clients can happily import messages from other accounts. Unless youre a real smart playlist obsessive, you can bid the bloated, sluggish i. Tunes goodbye and turn to Spotifys web player, Deezers web player, or Google Play Music, though admittedly if youre heavily invested in Apple Music and i. Tunes movies, theres no real online alternative for youmaybe just make do with an Apple TV or an i. Phone and Air. Play. While were on the topic of media, if you havent already switched wholesale to services such as Netflix or Hulu, Plex will do a fine job of letting you view all your local music, movies, and photos inside a browser whether that browser is on your original computer or somewhere else in the world. Plus your browser can play most popular music and video formats just fine without any extra help, so theres usually no need for another application, like the venerable VLC. The juggernaut that is the Adobe Creative Cloud suite contains some of the few desktop apps that can still justify its existence, and yes if you do a lot of serious video editing then you are still going to need something like Premiere. For most of us though, online alternatives will do just fine Google Photos, for example, has a pile of basic tweaking tools included, while more sophisticated online apps such as Pixlr support layers, complex selections, and other advanced tools. What else is there Workplace productivity tool Slack works just as well in the browser as it does on the desktop, utilities for contacts and calendars are all now available on the web, whether youre a fan of Google, Apple, or Microsoft products, and the chances of a major new desktop application launching to take the world by storm anytime soon are very slim indeed. Why switch You might think theres no harm in keeping your desktop apps around, and in the grander scheme of things youre more or less right, but on the other hand we can think of plenty of reasons to go web only. For a start, it means less clutter on your local hard drive, faster boot up times, and more space for your browser to breathe. If you upgrade your computer, then youve only got to think about transferring your local filesrather than your files, plus dozens of desktop applications and all their associated settings. Watch Isabelle Dailymotion there. Those of you whove signed up for something like Dropbox or Google Drive dont really have to think about those files either, as theyll all sync across devices automatically caveat once the relevant desktop apps get installed. Watch Antz Online Free 2016. Need to use a Chromebook in an emergencyNo problem. Youve still got access to all your apps. Have to log in on someone elses machine Again, if youve weaned yourself off your reliance on desktop apps then you can do everything from firing up your Spotify playlists to editing Power. Point presentations while youre away from your main computer. Whats more, modern day online apps have made collaboration and sharing so seamless that the process of editing files and emailing attachments back and forth now seems ridiculously archaicanother reason to start living life inside the browser if you havent made the switch already. There is some crossover, but desktop applications are generally built to save and manage files locally, whereas online apps are geared towards doing everything in the cloudand the cloud is the future. Sure, you can still back up your data to the cloud and just continue using your traditional desktop programs, but if you ever need to recover your system, youll need to think about reinstalling and reconfiguring all those programs again. Thats always a miserable experience. Leaving behind desktop applications that have served you well for decades can be a wrench, but most of us dont really need them like we used tofind a decent web alternative, make your files accessible online, and look for the uninstall option.