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Consumer Redressal .: : Complaints : . C C Arora. Posted On: 2. Airtel D2. H is deducting illegal fee by way of 'idle days'or 'late recharge'.
This is not authorised by any agency such as TRAI, or the Govt of India guidelines. Posted On: 2. 01.

Dear Sir. I wants attraction your attention for most important matters. I had complained against Nsdl in consumer board. After some days, I had received message from grivancesolution@rediffmail.
Message had said that please tell your card number and expired date for refund process. I had given all details. After two days, as dated October 1. I have received call form this number 9. Person had been verifying my card number and expired date of my card. And Person said that your amount will refund 2 hours. And person said that please tell me your code and message code in which are received your mobile number for refund process.
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I had given all details. But person had been cheating me. Person had been transferring amount from my account to his account. He had transferred 1. After He had transferred rs 1.
That person number is cheating. I had done call this number 9. But person. Adnan Sawant.
Posted On: 2. 01. Hi sir. I had made a bill pay transaction on Phonepe app the moey was deducted from my upi bank account but the bill to msedc is still not paid by the company. I get np response from them i had complaint them 2 to 3 times even emailed them the said they will contact back in 2. Their customer care also do not recieve calls. Pls help me i had done payment of rs 1.
NATURA : AMORE: ARTE: ANIMALI: CITTÀ: NATALIZI: RICORRENZE: PAESAGGI: FIORI: VARIE: Dipinto di Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí, Olio su Tela "Noia alla finestra. Other - Category Not Listed Complaints Girish Chengati. Posted On: 2017-10-16 23:15:48 On 26th august 2017, my consignment (# d35330629) was booked at dtdc express.
This is the transaction id. NX1. 71. 01. 22. 04.
Date of txn is 1. Nithin jain. Posted On: 2. Bank deny service to our company. Girish Chengati. Posted On: 2. On 2. 6th august 2.
I was assured that the parcel would reach the destination by 3. But till now it is not yet delivered to the destination. I am not getting any response from dtdc staff for the consignment status. There was no follow- up or call back arranged in- spite of leaving my details behind. Pathetic service….
I am deeply disappointed with the services. Jagdeep Singh. Posted On: 2. I want to bring into your notice about the fabrication of the milk fat machine or Lactomter. In our village some dairies using that machine. We are also milk sellers for several years. Presently we are selling on one of them,name of the owner is sh. Atma ram & sons and shop is near gurudwara sahib in our village Lohgarh.
I want to varify the quality of machine. There may be some thing fixation in it. I want your help to clearify about the fabrication in machine so in case some fault been found further action has to be taken. I request to you look into the matter as soon as possible. Thank you. Sandeep joshi. Posted On: 2. 01.
A P NAIRPosted On: 2. I am a heart patient and would like to go for EECP treatment. I Understand that there was a case filed by Mr.
DHARAMDAS PRITIANI on 2. HDFC ERGO INSURANCE CO, against not allowing the re- imbursement for EECP treatment. I would be muc grateful to you if I can get the copy of a verdict passed in favour of Mr. DHARAMDAS PRITIANI as I have to undergo the same treatment.
Even if I am getting the contact details of Mr. PRITIANI, I will be much obliged to you. Restaurant Stakeout Episode 1. The same will assist me in raising the claim with my insurance providers. Yours faithfully.
A P NAIRGAJANAN C JIBHAKATEPosted On: 2. Ihave submitted a Transfer from Annexure- 2. EPF Contribution of Shir Gajanan Jibhakate (Employee Unique ID : 9. CMPF account bearing CMPF Number “NGP/1. Indian Post registered having tracking ID “E.
I. 6. 69. 69. 20. IN”. Till date we have not received any positive response in this regard, It is humbly requested to kindly look into the matter and apprise us on the status of same at the earliest.
Please find the Members details. Name. Mr. Gajanan Chirkutrao Jibhakate S/o Late. Chirukutarao Jibhakhate. An Employee of : Sasan Power Ltd.
Moher & Moher Amlori Ext, OCP, Podi Naugai, Singrauli – 4. MP. EPF No. Held by : RPFC, Bandra vide EPF No. MH/BAN/4. 94. 55/0. Employee Id / Unique ID Number: 9. Form- B No. 6. 28.
Aji Kumar MPosted On: 2. Dear Sir. I Booked a consignedment to Mr. Tara Chand, Elite Marine Security Consultants, A- 3.
Kardhani JDA Yojna, Kalwar Road, Govindpura, Jaipur (Raj)- 3. Professional Courier vide their booking No KYK 6. KER- 4) dt 0. 3 Oct 2. The same has not yet delivered to the addressee till date. I sent an email to their head office Mumbai regarding where about of the parcel. One Mr. Shashank from the Mumbai Office ask the same to their Jaipur office. But still no reply.
I contacted their customer care Jaipur they said they will find out and inform me. But still I waiting. That consignment was an affidavit which I sent to my previous employer for refund of my security deposit of 7. Due to delay in delivering the same in time by professional Courier there was a huge financial loss to me. Therefore, May I request you please take legal action against Professional Courier and a claim of my financial loss may please be filed against them.
Kind regards. Ramdeo yadav. Posted On: 2. 01. Dear sir , my epf balance i can not withdrew due to my previous company my epf kyc not approved , i was called company office many time , the company Not any response, my uan no HRFBD 1. Company Melco india pvt ltd hai, adress plot no. AMathura road,Faridabad_1. Jashvir Singh. Posted On: 2.
Sir maine adani gas ka domestic connection liya hua hai apne papa Mr. Chhattar Pal s% om prakash ke naam se.
Sir maine 1. 8/0. Varun ko cash mein 1.
Lekin wo bill har next bill mein add hoke aa raha hai. Maine karib 1. 5_2. Wo bolte hain ki hum recover kr rahe hain apne agent se jaise hi hum recover karenge to wo payment aapke account mein debit kr di jaayegi but sir feb,2.
Koi proper solution nahi kar raha h. Jabki main apni taraf se cash mein bill pay kr chuka hun. Plz sir solve this. P. Radhakrishna. Posted On: 2. Anith Water Proofing Prop AN Raju. Central Bank Colony LB Nagar Hyd- 6.
Subsusheel Flat No. Rs. 1. 00. 00/- on 1/1. The defects noticed immediatelt after one week and even a slight is causing heavy leakages spoiling all my electronic gadgets and Modem of internet.
Though several calls and personal requests were made he did not care to respond/attened to the rectification work. Watch Oblivion Torent Free. The guarantee letter issued states "work will be guaranteed for a period of ten years.
If any problem occurs in future we will be responsible and we will solve the problem at free of cost". Due to the deficiency and callousness of Anith Water Proofing I incurred loss of Rs. I have to spend heavy amounts like Rs. I have to incur again 1. I request the Forum to do justice and award an amount of Rs 2. Shashank Sharma. Posted On: 2.
Docket no of consumer forum: 4. Person is not responding to my mails or physical letters.
I want to file a consumer legal case. Sandeep Akar. Posted On: 2. Watch A Walk In My Shoes Online Facebook.
I went to Radha Krishna resturant which is located on SV Road, Malad West, Mumbai. I took mineral water which had 1. Rs as print. But when i received bill, 5. Rs charged for water bottle. Also 1. 8% GST applied on water bottle. When i asked this to manager, he told that this is general practice and they put to everyone.
Adnan Rasool. Posted On: 2. Hello Sir, I am Adnan Rasool.
Actually I take the admission in XPERT INFOTECH in the month of December 2. Course of PHP (Course Fee 1. Due to my Exam I take the Leave from Xpert Infotech in the month of April 2.
But, After my Exam when I reach the address of the Institute, I got it Closed. And after that I tried to contact of the employees of that institute but I did not get any contact no.
I just want to back my money. I am very sad and depressed.
Please Sir solve my Problem or Suggest me. Thank you. Saema. Posted On: 2. 01.
I havent received a pf status till date. Here are the details. CLAIM IDHRFBD1. 70. RECEIPT DATE2. 6/0. CLAIM FORM TYPEForm- 1. C (EPS Withdrawal/SC). PARA DETAILSWithdrawal Benefit / Scheme Certificate.
TOTAL AMOUNT2. 28. DISPATCH DATE0. 4/1. REMARKSClaim Form- 1. C (EPS Withdrawal/SC)(Withdrawal Benefit / Scheme Certificate) Claim id- HRFBD1. Member id- HRFBD1.
Payment sent on- 0. OCT- 1. 7 via NEFT.
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