Jag Episode 6 Season 9
List of JAG characters - Wikipedia. This is an overview of the regular and recurring characters of long- running series JAG. Note: All ranks are those shown and/or stated by the end of the series. Contents. 1Regular cast. Captain Harmon . Roberts Jr., USN (JAGC)1. Lieutenant Harriet Sims, USN1. Commander Peter Ulysses .
Clayton Webb. 2. 9. Congresswoman Roberta . USNR (MC)3. 2. 6. Commander John Flagler, USN3.
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- I wouldn’t get too attached to be honest. The show is not doing very well behind The Voice.
- The cases of Harmon Rabb, former Navy fighter pilot, and his fellow lawyers of the US Navy's Judge Advocate General's office.
- Enemies Foreign (Season 8, Episode 8) USA. Part 1 of 2. Ziva's father attends an NCIS conference, and the team is assigned to protect him, but the visit produces some.
Captain Tobias Ingles, USN3. Captain Johnson, USN3. Commander Beth O'Neil, USN (Later CIA)3. Lieutenant Catherine Graves, USN3. Family & friends. Other. 4See also.
Before you start downloading all songs of Coke Studio season 9 in mp3 format, let's talk about something about this memorable season. Coke Studio 9 was one of the.
References. Regular cast. His father was shot down over Vietnam and was listed as MIA, with Harm's attempts to find him forming the plots of several episodes.

He became strong friends with Mackenzie, and through the seasons their relationship grew through the years. Towards the end of the series the pair acknowledged that they were in love with each other. By the series finale, Harm and Mac became engaged to be married and would continue to live in either San Diego or London, based on who won a coin flip based on where they had been promoted to. He was promoted three times during the series' run, being first introduced in the pilot episode as a lieutenant to ending with the rank of captain in second to last episode.
The final episode (8 p.m., WBBM-Ch.
Rabb was a lieutenant commander and commander for most of the series' run. Lieutenant Colonel Sarah . She had a terrible childhood with her abusive alcoholic father and a mother who abandoned her on her 1.
Suffered from alcoholism but sobered up and joined the Marine Corps at age 1. She dealt with her past in Season 4's episodes, . Rabb Goes To Washington. She was promoted once in the series' run from major to lieutenant colonel. She was also promoted from JAG lawyer to JAG chief of staff, the second in command under Chegwidden and later Creswell. Until the series finale, she was senior to Rabb by two months. Lieutenant Commander Bud J.
Roberts Jr., USN (JAGC). They had a complex relationship with their father, . Mentioned having a sister named .
He lost his right leg when he accidentally stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan, but went through rehabilitation and was not only allowed to remain the Navy, but given a promotion at the end of Season 9. Bud was promoted three times during the series' run, first from ensign to lieutenant junior grade; secondly from lieutenant junior grade to lieutenant; and lastly from lieutenant to lieutenant commander. Both Harm and Mac thought the world of Bud, and in the series finale both of them all but begged Bud to join them in their new commands; Bud politely turned them both down because his wife wanted him and their family to stay in the D.
C. Bud was a lieutenant most of the series. Bud crosses over twice into episodes of NCIS: the season 1 episode . In the latter, set 1.
JAG series, he is now a captain and still a JAG officer. Lieutenant Harriet Sims, USN. She comes from a wealthy family that did not approve of her joining the Navy.
Harriet is happy go- lucky and gets along with almost everyone, especially Harm and Mac. She was a vital part of the JAG . Since then, Harriet has given birth to a boy (James Kirk Roberts) and then to twins, giving her and Bud four children. Harriet was promoted twice during the series' run, firstly from ensign to lieutenant junior grade, and lastly from lieutenant junior grade to lieutenant. Commander Peter Ulysses . He served on submarines before becoming a lawyer. Son of a Baptist Navy Chaplain. Watch End Of A Gun Putlocker more.
Sturgis and Harm play hoops and fix cars together. Categorically refused to get involved in 'the soap opera' of Harm and Mac's relationship/or lack thereof. Had an on- and- off relationship with Congresswoman Bobbi Latham, and later found love with Varese Chestnut, a jazz singer. Fell into a funk that impaired his relationships with the JAG personnel in Season 8, and his friendship with Harm suffered when he was interim head of JAG after ADM Chegwidden's retirement. Major General Gordon . Season 1. 0, 1. 7 episodes.
The last JAG in the series, he succeeded RADM A. J. Chegwidden upon his retirement in 2. He was a very tough leader who also showed a low- key sense of humor and eventually won over the JAG officers. Legalman First Class Jennifer . Seasons 7- 1. 0, 6. A girl with a conflicted past, Coates came from an unhappy home with a very strict and unforgiving father; it was implied her father was physically abusive to her. Originally a client of Rabb's and a Electronics technician (United States Navy) on the USS Gainesville, she was accused of abandoning her position, for which she was up for court martial.
After spending a Christmas Day with the JAG officers. She was assigned to the USS Seahawk shortly before LT Roberts was assigned to the ship as JAG officer. She became a valued member of the team. One of her old . Harm wanted Coates for Mattie's roommate as he felt that Mattie, being a teenager, would need a female role model. Coates was promoted to petty officer 1st class in 2. Jackson, Season 1- 9, 1.
He was a no- nonsense, gruff CO and former Navy SEAL but always had his . When he announced his retirement, the JAG staffers were legitimately sad to be losing his leadership and friendship. In Season 3, he showed slight romantic interest in Mac but their friendship and UCMJ implications caused them to nip it in the bud. He had an Italian ex- wife and daughter who were featured in a kidnapping plot in the Season 4 episode .
He was nominated for a seat on a high- level civilian court but turned it down after being confronted with the unethical positions of the Congressman who nominated him. Lieutenant, Junior Grade Megan . Season 1. Austin was the second partner to LT Harmon Rabb, replacing LT JG Caitlin Pike.
NBC cancelled the series then when CBS picked it back up she was replaced by Lt. Col. Sarah Mac. Kenzie. Main Recurring Characters. Seasons 1,5. 6 episodes.
She appeared in the following episodes: 1- 2 . She was reassigned but she later returned as a guest star in three episodes (actress Andrea Parker left the series to star in The Pretender). She and Harm were kind of attracted to each other, and had a . She turned up in Season 6 when she filed a sexual harassment complaint against a high- ranking officer; the officer admitted he had tried to kiss her and apologized for doing so, and she forgave him but felt bad that his career was ruined. She also confronted LT Singer about leaking the information on the case, saying Singer did NOT have her forgiveness. Pike is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and Harvard Law School.
Pilot episode. The first Judge Advocate General of the Navy in the series, with a weird sense of humor. His aide, CDR Theodore Lindsey, was often the butt of his jokes. Commander Theodore . Seasons 1, 4, 7- 8, 1.
He was ADM Brovo's assistant (and often the butt of his jokes) and briefly served as acting Judge Advocate General in between ADM Brovo and the arrival of Admiral Chegwidden. He was not kept on the staff at JAG headquarters by ADM Chegwidden and was appointed as an aide to the Secretary of the Navy, Alexander Nelson. It was later revealed that the Admiral had no confidence in his abilities, and A. J. Nelson's successor, Senator Edward Sheffield, unaware of Lindsey's grudge, appointed Lindsey to audit JAG headquarters. Lindsey used the opportunity to seek retribution. Lindsey recommended that most of the senior staff be reassigned.
After receiving $5,0. Lindsey, Singer slipped on ice and hit her head on a roadway bridge railing. CDR Lindsey thought about calling for an ambulance but then decided to throw her over the bridge into the river, causing Singer to drown and Lindsey also attempted to frame CDR Harmon Rabb for the crime. Watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit Online Hulu.
Rabb was subsequently charged with murder but was eventually cleared when NCIS Special Agents Anthony Di. Nozzo and Vivian Blackadder found the real culprit. It was revealed during the interrogation of Lindsey that he was not the father of LT Singer's baby.
Harmon Rabb Jr. Rabb was a third generation aviator. His grandfather was killed flying off the USS Hornet in 1. Second World War. On Christmas Eve 1. Iron Hand mission, Harmon Rabb, Sr.
Harm's mother went on to happily remarry to Frank Burnett, a senior VP of Chrysler Corporation. Years later, Harm was able to trace his father's fate. After he was shot down, Harmon Rabb, Sr. Harm met his half- brother, Sergei Zhukov a helicopter pilot of the Russian Army (played by Jade Carter), who was accused of selling weapons to Chechen rebels. Sergei was later shot down and captured by Chechnya rebels. Once, he met a Jenny Lake who was present on the USS Ticonderoga when his father was shot down. In another Christmas, he invited one of his father's former squadron buddy Rear Admiral Thomas Boone to the wall.
Another year, Harm was surprised by Clayton Webb bringing his half- brother Sergei to see him at the wall, after Webb exchanged two trucks of wheat for Sergei's freedom from Chechnya. After an accident during a night landing on an aircraft carrier, in which his Radar Intercept Officer dies, it is discovered that Harm suffers from night blindness (although in this is later proved to be a mis- diagnosis).
After graduating from law school at Georgetown University and passing his bar exam, he was transferred to JAG. After a few years as a Judge Advocate, he goes through laser photoablation surgery to correct what was misdiagnosed as night blindness (actually Blurred Vision as a result of retinal scarring caused by toxoplasmosis) and resumes his career as a naval aviator. Because of the low chance of him ever progressing further in his career as an aviator, Harm returned to JAG Headquarters after six months of service aboard the USS Patrick Henry. While on the USS Patrick Henry his call sign was . Later the other pilots re- named him .
This was after he and Lieutenant Elizabeth . After being charged with her death, Rabb wound up in the brig and was defended by Lieutenant Commander Faith Coleman. At one point, after being denied leave from his commanding officer, Rear Admiral A. Chegwidden, to rescue Mac, Harm resigned his commission from the Navy. He had a short stint working for the CIA before being fired. Additionally, while working for this other branch of the government, Harm was certified in several different types of aircraft including the F/A 1.
C- 1. 30 among others. Harm was subsequently reinstated into the Navy and once again served at JAG Headquarters. Watch Hannibal Rising Online Forbes here.
The two became engaged, and both decided to be fair on who would remain with their career in service through a coin flip although it's not known who got what.