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Gohan Dragon Ball Wiki. Watch The Cannonball Run Online Facebook. This article is about Goku's son. For Goku's adoptive grandfather, see Grandpa Gohan. Gohan孫そん悟ご飯はんSon Gohan. Alternate names. Gohan Son. Great Saiyaman. The Golden Fighter. The Golden Warrior.

Early life and career. Rommel was born on 15 November 1891 in Southern Germany at Heidenheim, 45 kilometres (28 mi) from Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg, then. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (ドラゴンボールZ 神と神, Doragon Bōru Zetto: Kami to Kami; lit. "Dragon Ball.
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The Chosen One. Monkey Boy. Son Gohan Jr. Height. Weight. 13. 4 lbs. Kg) "adult"[2]Directory: Characters → Humans → Humans with Saiyan blood. Directory: Characters → Z Fighters"I know your kind! You think you can just waltz in and take our planet!
But you forgot one thing; I'm my father's son!"— Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound. Gohan (孫そん悟ご飯はん,Son Gohan) is the elder son of the series' primary protagonist Goku and his wife Chi- Chi, the older brother of Goten, the husband of Videl and father to Pan.
Gohan is the first hybrid (half- Earthling, half- Saiyan) to appear in the series. He is named after Goku's adoptive grandfather, Gohan. Unlike his father, Gohan lacks a passion for fighting and prefers to do so only when the need to defend his loved ones arises.[5] Nevertheless, Gohan fights alongside the Z Fighters in the defense of Earth for much of his life.

He eventually settles down with a family at the end of Dragon Ball Z, opting for the life of a scholar instead.[6]Appearance. Most of Gohan's appearances throughout the series. Gohan's appearance changes drastically through Dragon Ball Z, due to the fact that the series starts out with him as a child and ends when he is fully grown, married, and with a child of his own. But Gohan's basic physical appearance pretty much stays the same through the course of the series. Gohan has black hair and black eyes. He has his father's facial features, and also has his mother's light peach complexion rather than his father's light tan. When Gohan is first introduced, he wears a child's outfit with his family name, 'Son', written on the front and the Four- Star Dragon Ball attached to his hat, the same Dragon Ball in which Goku believed that his grandpa's spirit resided.
Before he transforms into Great Ape and mostly appears in the ending theme of the anime, Gohan wears a white tank top and his green pants and black shoes from his child attire. Gohan as a child. While training with Piccolo, he wears an outfit similar to Goku's original, with the 'Ma' symbol (魔) King Piccolo wore after he reverted to his human form from his Great Ape form and his tail was removed also by Piccolo until it grows back during his fight against Vegeta.
After training with Piccolo, he has a mullet- type haircut and dons a similar attire to the Namek warrior which he continues to wear until the end of the Captain Ginyu Saga, after which he wears Battle Armor given to him by Vegeta. He would continue to wear clothing similar to Piccolo's for the majority of his childhood, but his hair trended closer to his father's wild self- cut style. During the Androids Saga, he now has long hair and retains the same outfit that he wore in the Saiyan Saga and the Frieza Saga, but now wears black kung- fu shoes and white shin guards instead of brown grass shoes. While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he begins wearing Saiyan training gear. After leaving the Time Chamber, he grows noticeably taller (roughly Krillin's height), and also quite muscularly developed for his age. He reverts to Piccolo's clothing for the Cell Games, with the addition of Piccolo's white cape and weighted shoulder pads.
Oliver Hazard Perry (August 23, 1785 – August 23, 1819) was an American naval commander, born in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. He was the son of United States Navy. His life strangely mirrors the life of Conan from Conan the Barbarian (1982). Conan was born in a small village and grew up to be a physically powerful man, due to.
During this time his hair is spiky much like Goku's. Gohan as a teen. As a teenager, he is similar in height to his father. His hair is much shorter and stands on end in a spiky formation, with a single bang hanging over the right side of his forehead.
Having slacked off on his training, he is fairly thinner and his built has become noticeably leaner. He alternates between a school uniform, his Great Saiyaman costume, a blue gi similar to the Piccolo clothing (except larger in size), a replica of the gi his father Goku wore while he was alive. His obi, wrist bands and shin guards are red but in the movie Broly: The Second Coming, His shin guards are reverted to white. During the Buu Saga, he wears Kai clothing given to him by Kibito. In his fight against Super Buu and reuniting with his father and Vegeta after they defeated Kid Buu, Gohan wears an outfit identical to his father, Goku's and his outfit in the movie Bojack Unbound which looks exactly like the one Goku wore in the Androids Saga and Majin Buu Saga. At the party for the celebration of the defeat of Kid Buu, he wears a blue suit as part of his formal clothing. As an adult in the end of Dragon Ball Z, Gohan's hair would be similar to how it was in the Buu Arc minus the bang which resembles Yamcha's hairstyle from the Androids Saga.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Gohan's wears glasses, a blue vest with a long white undershirt, and brown slacks with black shoes. Gohan in Resurrection ‘F’In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, having since retired from fighting completely and slacked off in his training, Gohan became very scrawny in built. His hair is also smoother and much flatter.
He wears a grey collar shirt with red pants. On Frieza's arrival on Earth, he wears a green tracksuit because he forgot his gi at home. In Dragon Ball Super, Gohan tends to wear formal clothing as he studies to become a professor. In the God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Gohan wears the same vest, pants, and shoes as he wore in the Battle of Gods movie. During the Golden Frieza Saga, Gohan wears a grey collar shirt with red pants as he did in the Resurrection ‘F’ movie. Gohan has lost his gi after not using it for a while. After he resumes training with Piccolo, Gohan slicks up his hair again to have spiky ends.
By the time of the Tournament of Power, Gohan's training with Piccolo appears to have reconditioned his body, becoming almost as muscular as Goku. Also for the tournament, in the anime Gohan dons the same style gi he wore against Super Buu, while in the manga he dons a purple gi like Piccolo's. He also removes his glasses when fighting.
In Dragon Ball GT, he retains his hairstyle from the end of Dragon Ball Z with the only difference being it is a little longer and is usually seen dressed as like a professor or a businessman, in a suit and a tie. Adventure Time Water Park Prank Full Episode. He also wears eyeglasses, even though he shows no sign of actually needing them, due to the fact that he does not need them to fight.
It is possible, however, that these are reading glasses of some kind, as opposed to general corrective glasses. When facing Omega Shenron, Gohan wears a gi resembling that of the ones Goku used to wear throughout Dragon Ball Z. In the Assault on the Hell Gate Saga, GT Gohan wears a gi identical to Piccolo's, though without the cape and turban. Gohan as a Time Patroller.
After becoming a Time Patroller, Gohan's appearance is Gohan with his Ultimate Gohan- look, but with informal martial arts clothes almost identical to Xeno Trunks', most notably a black trench coat. He also wears glasses, like in his appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’. Personality. As a child, Gohan is a shy and studious intellectual child who lacks the Saiyan fighting spirit, so he had to utilize his incredible half- breed Saiyan potential and emotional reserves to protect those he loves, becoming one of the most powerful Z Fighters. As an adult, he achieves his dream career of becoming a great scholar. Being only half- Saiyan, Gohan is unusual in his values and personality.
These unique values and personality separate him from pure Saiyans; as powerful as he is, he does not like fighting much. However, when he is forced to fight, he shows special interest in protecting his family and friends.
Like his father, Gohan has a truly pure and gentle heart, apart of having the typical Saiyan appetite and will eat anything.[2]Though he claims he does not share the love of fighting Goku has, Gohan does indeed love martial arts and adventures. It is also clearly obvious he greatly enjoys being a hero, though he dislikes receiving the fame and attention that comes with being a hero and prefers to keep a low profile.